do you train
with your smartphone?

mobile application
to register your activity data
at pulsstory portal

easy to use

no ads

light (several MB)

registered parameters
time, distance, HR,
power, cadence, speed, pace

used protocols
Bluetooth, Bluetooth LE,

fully compatible
HR chest belts, STRYD belt,
Concept PM5 ergometer , bePro pedals

training plan
list of planned trainings,
exercises plan, training according to chart

hints during training
voice hints
graphical hints

LIVE training broadcast
watch athlete online on his route
or during indoor classes
chosen application features

- attractive design and intuitive use
- many disciplines and types of activity to choose from
- possibility of connecting sensors – heart rate, power, cadence or speed – of most companies
- during training – from the mobile app level:
- taking pictures, voice notes
- listening to your favorite music
- taking pictures, voice notes
- group training compatibility (
- basic training parameters visible on main screen
- ability to pause training
- auto pause based on cadence
- start with given delay
- LIVE transmission – family, friends or fans can watch progress during training or competition on a map and check current parameters
- ability to set laps or stages of training

detailed information
- detailed training parameters view
- all current data from the sensors
- average and max readings from the sensors
- ability to fit settings of the application to your own preferences
- voice hints, i.e. if you cross your target HR or info of current and average readings form your sensors
- charts view – visualization of parameters based on data from used sensors
- list trainings to do
- training plans with execution control of individual stages:
- exercises check list
- comments for exercises
- chart of executed plan
- list of upcoming competition, planned on pulsstory (portal
- detailed information of planned competition (date, place, time)
- saving training data in the context of planned competition

- access to a map with a marked route
- indication of the current location on the map
- easier field navigation, route corrections
- training history – access to detailed data saved by the application on your smartphone
- automatic synchronization with the portal
- sending data to the portal at any time – in the absence of coverage after training

All data from training sessions and competitions are sent to the user’s account on the pulsstory portal. On the portal, the user has access to extensive functions (diary, statistics, plans, etc.) that support its development and generate even greater engagement (likes, friends’ comments, articles).
Using the pulsstory account includes access to the club community, notifications about group trainings with the pulsstory monitor and about actions and competitions organized by the club, also include the care of the trainer and dietitian.
Using the pulsstory mobile app, simply scan the QR Code to join the class. The application will automatically update the list of participants and configure the activity accordingly.
If the pulsstory monitor is used in group training, it is possible to control the heart rate, cadence, speed and power of each participant. Controlled parameters are displayed in a visible place for everyone. The tutor adjusts the training intensity on an ongoing basis, reacts to overload, and the trainees monitor their progress.
After the class, the participant can analyze the entire training on the pulsstory portal.